Who We Are.

Our Motivation ... We do recognize that;

Power Transmission & Distribution is moving forward with innovations, new materials &  technology not just of the present but, towards the long term future.

– Engineer must be a visionary to ensure the worthiness of the high capital investment of the Project and it’s sustainability during the life time, spanning over several years that require; a) Operation, b) Maintenance, c) Repair, d) System expansion, e) Overhaul and upgrading.

– ‘Creativity & Imagination’ can give the engineer the POWER to foresee the problems before it happens. Otherwise, the engineer will become a ‘Problem Maker’.

– Those who are creative can produce better results.

– Imagination is more important than Knowledge

– Creativity and imagination are not available for purchase over the counter. It has to be tailored and customised.

Our Solutions are Exclusively Client Oriented...

– We do not market a particular brand.

– We Analyze the situation and provide tailor made solutions.

– We employee the best engineering practices.

– We interact with the Design and Manufacturing Teams of the Manufacturer to ensure that once the equipment are installed and Commissioned, they will perform as expected during it’s ‘Life Cycle’.

– We offer Solutions to extend the ‘Useful Life’ of; a) Switchgear, b) Power Transformers and c) Oil Filled Cables with heavy oil leaks.

How we determine the team to meet the Challenges, Clients Demands and to achieve their Goals ....

– A person who works within Rules, Standards and regulations.

– A person who has a formal scientific education & learning.

– A person who has gained experience as an employee in Public Sector or in Private Sector.

– A person who is able to produce an artifice or realize a dream come true economically & efficiently worthy of the investment & the capital cost.

– A person who is responsible for the ‘engineering’.

– A person who can Operate and Maintain a device or a service.

We believe in Quality at our works and wherever we are!

  • Quality is a measure of excellence.
  • Quality is brought about by strict and consistent commitment to Standards and Requirements.
  • Quality is not a commodity available in the open market for purchase. It shall be created.

How do we perform from ‘Start’ to the ‘End’.


Step 01

Establishing the Scope of Work in Detail


Step 02

Selecting the Human Resources that would ensure smooth execution of the Detailed Scope of Work


Step 03

Identifying the Safety at Work, Engineering Standards, Specifications, Code of Practices and Work Standards that shall be followed


Step 04

Preparing the ‘Ganz Chart’, Method Statements and obtaining Clients Concurrence to Proceed with each activity


Step 05

Obtaining Safety Documents to ‘Start’ Work at Site and Commencing Work under strict Supervision & Control.


Step 06

On Site Testing as Work progresses, Establishing Site Progress Records & Reports


Step 07

Completing the Site Work and Cancellation of Safety Documents and Applying for Notice of ‘Partial Completion’ of Site Activities


Step 08

Commissioning Tests at Site prior to First Energisation


Step 09

Handing over of Equipment, Issuing Operation & Maintenance Manual, Clearing of Defects during Warranty Period and Applying for Work Completion Certificate.

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