Why we created this website.

Honorable Doctor Cristopher William Wijekoon Kannangara (C. W. W. Kannangara) was born in 1884 in Randombe, a rural village between Balapitiya and Ambalangoda. He had his primary education at free Wesleyan school in his village, a Methodist church school from where he won a Foundation Scholarship to Richmond College, Galle including free board and lodging.

Kannangara was regarded as an excellent all-round student at Richmond, leading the Ceylon and British Empire list in Mathematics at the Cambridge Senior Examination in 1903. After leaving school he worked as a teacher in mathematics and eventually became a lawyer. As a lawyer he defended the detainees that were imprisoned during the Riots of 1915, many of whom were the emerging leaders of the independence movement. He was elected to the Legislative Council of Ceylon in 1923 and entered politics. In 1931 he was the President of the Ceylon National Congress, the movement that spear headed independence of Sri Lanka. He was an Elected Member to the Ceylon Legislative Council and then to the State Council of Ceylon. He was the First Minister of Education of Ceylon who brought about the ‘Free Education System’ in Sri Lanka during World War II era and several years before independence in 1940s.

CWW Kanangara Henri Power Engineering

At the beginning his vision had mixed reactions amongst the elite as some of them questioned utilizing state funds for education of the village children but, he spearheaded against all odds. The irony of the great visionary was that when he was in his old age he did not have money to buy medicine and that on an appeal made by him, the then Honorable Prime Minister made a grant to him. He died in 1969.

Who we are

– We are a team of experts with distinction. Our Experience & Knowledge is of a Global Blend; Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Netherland, Italy, State of Qatar, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, and Malaysia.

– We believe in transparency in our dealings.

– Our Overheads are minimal. We team up based on the ‘Project Size’ and the ‘Deliverables’ needed.

– We identify the Customer Needs first, Organise and Mobilise at Short Notice the Expertise and Services required by the Client.

– Every Project we undertake receives a Unique Treatment as dictated by the needs. We go in to minute detail as well.

– We meet the Customer Deliverables not just from what we know of at that point in time but, also from what has changed since then. We are dynamic.

– We provide not only Performance Guarantees but, also Irrevocable Bank Guarantees in the Form of ‘Bid Bonds’ and ‘Performance Bonds’.

Services We Provide

Design and Consultancy Services

This is a field covering a very broad spectrum. There are so many IEC Standards. Identifying the relevant standards as applicable for the requirement is of primary importance. What is most critical is that the equipment shall remain in service for at least 30 years if the net return of the initial capital investment and the operating costs over the years are within the limits envisaged.

Factory Inspection and Witnessing Type Tests & Routing Tests.

This is an area where the manufacturing process of Power Transformers, Underground Cables and Switchgear from raw materials through Quality Inspection are verified for compliance with specifications and for final acceptance are determined.

On-site Installation of Underground Cables, Switchgear and Power Transformer.

The manufactured products need to be installed on site where the environmental conditions are very often hash and very much different to that at the factory floor. The equipment has to be installed ensuring that there is no internal damage that would otherwise reduce the operating life considerably.

Site Works Programming, Writing Method Statements and Supervision

The facilities and the human resources that would be deployed at the site would certainly have limitations. Safety-at-Work is most important to protect the workmen and also to prevent damage to the equipment being installed. Any equipment or component damaged during transit or at site cannot be replaced immediately. Thus careful planning is most necessary to meet the time-targets and also bring down the cost of site works.

Site Testing & Commissioning

This is a mandatory requirement to Test the installation as the work progresses and making the equipment ready for the first time energisation.

Training & Conducting Seminars

The equipment that are live require maintenance and they may fail as well during the life time beyond the Contractor’s warranty either due to an abnormality or due to the third party damage. Training, therefore, becomes a necessity and also to be updated with the technological advancements.

Writing Work Standards and Operating Manuals

Equipment that are handed over to the client, after energisation would have to be looked after.

Life Expectancy Studies of Equipment

As the equipment is reaching towards the end of their life, there is the higher possibility of failure. Thus, an evaluation of the condition of the equipment is necessary as a means of preventing electricity supply failures.

System Upgrading

This is an area where the electrical supply needs to be upgraded depending on the system demand and the load growth.

Partial Discharge Measurements and Condition Monitoring.

This is a branch of engineering that examines the condition of the equipment from a watchman perspective.

Building Services Engineering

This is a branch of engineering where we provide services from Architectural, Engineering Design, Supervision and Operation; be it Electrical, Civil, Air-conditioning, Lightning protection and Solar Energy.

Digital Audio Recording

Music is universal beyond borders. We offer digital audio recordings of your creative material.

Audio Sounds for Disco, Parties and Functions

We provide audio sound systems.

Sound Proofing Solutions

Your environment may be very noisy and you require the comfort in your office space.

Mechanical Engineering Works

We take care of your requirements by engineering specific workshop tools where your work could be done at ease, efficient and cost effective. “Made in Sri Lanka” is our primary goal.

Get in Touch

We can support you to solved your needs. Appreciated if you could please provide your information so that we can get back to you.

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